Math Book Notes Wiki

Springer GTM 52.

Algebraic geometry

"This book provides an introduction to abstract algebraic geometry using the methods of schemes and cohomology."

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Chapter I: Varieties[]

Section I.1: Affine Varieties[]

  • Height of a prime ideal: Height of a prime ideal is like codimension of a subvariety.

Section I.2: Projective Varieties[]

Section I.3: Morphisms[]

Section I.4: Rational Maps[]

Section I.5: Nonsingular Varieties[]

  • One can show easily that [the Jacobian] definition of nonsingularity is independent of the choice of generators of the ideal: The point is that what we're really calculating is the dimension of the space spanned by the vectors for each . Suppose that and ; then for some , and so we have . Since and , we have by definition, so this reduces to . Clearly, then, the vector lies in the span of the vectors for .
  • Example I.5.6: We need an additional commutative algebra result not found in the chapter to make sense of this, namely that , where . See Chapter 7 of Eisenbud - Commutative Algebra - with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry.

Section I.6: Nonsingular Curves[]

Section I.7: Intersections in Projective Space[]

Section I.8: What is Algebraic Geometry?[]

Chapter II: Schemes[]

Section II.1: Sheaves[]

Section II.2: Schemes[]

Section II.3: First Properties of Schemes[]

  • Proposition II.3.1: Then which is not an integral domain. A product of nontrivial rings can never be an integral domain: (a, 0) * (0, b) = (0, 0), so (a, 0) and (0, b) are zero divisors. (In some sense it seems like Proposition 3.1 is a partial converse to this.)

Section II.4: Separated and Proper Morphisms[]

Section II.5: Sheaves of Modules[]

Section II.6: Divisors[]

  • Page 129: For each line L in P^2, we consider which is a finite set of points on C. Note that the "points" mentioned here are intrinsic points of C, not points of P^2 on the embedded copy of C.
  • Proof of Proposition II.6.2: It is well-known that a UFD is integrally closed. This is a consequence of the rational root theorem.

Section II.7: Projective Morphisms[]

Section II.8: Differentials[]

Section II.9: Formal Schemes[]

Chapter III: Cohomology[]

Section III.1: Derived Functors[]

Section III.2: Cohomology of Sheaves[]

Section III.3: Cohomology of a Noetherian Affine Scheme[]

Section III.4: Cech Cohomology[]

Section III.5: The Cohomology of Projective Space[]

Section III.6: Ext Groups and Sheaves[]

Section III.7: The Serre Duality Theorem[]

Section III.8: Higher Direct Images of Sheaves[]

Section III.9: Flat Morphisms[]

Section III.10: Smooth Morphisms[]

Section III.11: The Theorem on Formal Functions[]

Section III.12: The Semicontinuity Theorem[]

Chapter IV: Curves[]

Section IV.1: Riemann-Roch Theorem[]

  • Proof of Theorem IV.1.3: we have an exact sequence

This is an issue that comes up all over the place. It makes sense to talk about k(P), a k-valued skyscraper sheaf supported at P, only when we're thinking about k(P) as a sheaf of rings, like when we're thinking of it as the structure sheaf of P. In the exact sequence above, though, we're regarding it not as a sheaf of rings but as a sheaf of -modules, and in this case writing k(P) isn't that helpful because it doesn't really specify the -module structure. In this case, acts on by . This clarifies why : we can simply move functions on the left over to the right side of the tensor product.

  • Proof of Theorem IV.1.3:: Recall that k(P) here really means , where j denotes the inclusion . By Lemma III.2.10, , so it follows that . By Grothendieck vanishing (Theorem III.2.7), a sheaf on the zero-dimensional space P only has zeroth cohomology, so .

Section IV.2: Hurwitz's Theorem[]

Section IV.3: Embeddings in Projective Space[]

Section IV.4: Elliptic Curves[]

Section IV.5: The Canonical Embedding[]

Section IV.6: Classification of Curves in P^n[]

Chapter V: Surfaces[]

Section V.1: Geometry on a Surface[]

  • Page 357: This implies, by the way, that C and D are each nonsingular at P:

Since the maximal ideal of is generated by f, {f} is a regular system of parameters. Since its cardinality is equal to the Krull dimension , is a regular local ring.

Section V.2: Ruled Surfaces[]

Section V.3: Monoidal Transformations[]

Section V.4: The Cubic Surface in P^n[]

Section V.5: Birational Transformations[]

Section V.6: Classification of Surfaces[]

Appendix A: Intersection Theory[]

Appendix B: Transcendental Methods[]

Appendix C: The Weil Conjectures[]
